Monday, December 7, 2009

Why is drug screening important

To safeguard the health and safety of employees as well as maintaining the productivity of employees.
More businesses are aware of potential health hazards, liability, turn-over rates and other situations that impact the bottom line. One of the best investments of both time and money available to employers is the use of employee drug screening.
The main goal of a drug free workplace should be to identify those employees who require treatment and then help them overcome their substance abuse issues. This is done so that they may return to work and maintain a certain level of productivity in their job.
However, because sending employees into rehabilitation can be expensive for companies, many employers choose to enact a pre-employment drug screening policy.
This policy is put in place to screen applicants so that the company does not hire a person who already has an existing substance abuse problem.
Establishing a workplace drug policy has been shown to drastically reduce the cost to business and industry from decreased productivity. There is no absolute drug policy that can be put into place, but using a program that is tailored to your needs and is effectively communicated to the staff is the most effective.
We believe all employees deserve a work environment that is free from the affects of alcohol and drugs and the problems associated with their use and feel a responsibility to maintain a healthy and safe workplace.
Good health is crucial to your quality of life, personal and professional success. Every corporate believes that prevention is better than cure.
072 920 8790