Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Will SA Welfare Recipients Receive Drug Testing in 2013?

Will SA Welfare Recipients Receive Drug Testing in 2013?

From reading this story today: Shocking video: ‘I drink to harm my unborn child, get welfare cash’ I have to ask; should SA not consider testing for sobriety in welfare recipients? 

It seems to be a topic up for discussion all over the world; "Texas government is dominated by Republican officials. Governor Rick Perry will propose in the upcoming legislative sessions the need to require drug testing of individuals to determine eligibility for welfare benefits under...."
SB-11 Drug Testing Welfare Recipients
While some believe SB-11 which is supported by the Republican Party is intended to place personal responsibility upon an individual, the Democrats are seeking solutions that will assist Texans from becoming a statistic. 
These assumptions suggest the division between both parties are very prevalent as this topic continues to be discussed to determine the most effective approach to address the growing poverty rate within Texas. Supporters of drug testing in Texas argue such an approach restricts the purchase of drugs while also minimizing the misuse of tax payer dollars. Additionally, drug testing welfare recipients could save the welfare system money by putting these restrictions in place. 
Opposers argue such an approach can be costly to enforce and is an invasion of privacy. The discussion regarding drug testing welfare recipients continues to be debated nationally, as more and more states consider this form of regulation. Needless to say, the concern regarding drug testing in Texas has flourished as new challenges confront lawmakers.
What are your feelings? Will drug testing welfare recipients in Texas have a positive impact on your business or our community here in Houston?

"Beginning July 1, recipients who test positive for drugs would be denied benefits for a year. A second failed test would result in a three-year ban.
In two-parent households, both adults would be tested. Benefits to children could be awarded to a third-party recipient, who must also pass a drug screen.:"