Friday, August 10, 2012

Substance abuse is an increasing headache in the workplace

Drug Detection International (DDI) is the leader in substance abuse detection. We are at the forefront of developing system and programmes for all industries. 

The oil, gas, petroleum and petrochemical industries along with many safety organisations have addressed specific hazards in oil and gas well drilling, and servicing operations. Drug testing is doing more than just weed out miscreants and addicts among workers. Perhaps more importantly, experts say that it is keeping the oil and gas industry safe.
Many safety critical industries, especially petrochemical, and nuclear have, over a period of time developed robust policies in relation to substance abuse. Many are designed to detect employees who may have substance abuse problems by testing for drugs on:
  • pre-employment
  • for cause' (following an accident or on reasonable grounds of suspicion)
  • unannounced random basis
Alcohol is completely banned on all offshore installations. Possession of alcohol could result in the Offshore Installation Manager (OIM) returning an employee ashore. The use and/or possession of controlled substances offshore is illegal and most oil/gas/chemical companies have a policy of random drug testing. Possession and use of controlled substances is viewed extremely seriously and individuals will almost certainly lose their job if caught taking or possessing them.

A range of alcohol and drug testing programs being implemented by oil and gas producers and contractors around the city of Grand Prairie in Alberta, Canada has served as a deterrent for heavy drinkers and cocaine, marijuana and methamphetamine users from working in oilfields in the area.

Ed Secondiak, president of ECS Safety Services who runs an office in Grand Prairie, shared that local oil and gas producers and contractors use aggressive pre-access, post-incident and reasonable cause drug testing to ensure safety, as they follow a workplace culture that prioritizes safety.

The UK has one of the most sophisticated regimes for maintaining industrial safety and tackling pollution, building on a strong track record which dates back to the nineteenth century. The UK's record is already commendable, with fatal accidents reduced by over two thirds since the introduction of the landmark Health and Safety at Work Act in 1974.

Drug Detection International offers the following service:
  • Policy development and implamentation
  • Information, education and training
  • Point-of-collection testing and Laboratory-based tests for
    • Pre-employment substance testing
    • Pre-shift testing
    • Random or periodic unannounced testing
    • ‘For cause’/reasonable suspicion
    • Periodic unannounced
    • Random
    • Post incident
    • Return to duty
    • Rehabilitation follow-up
Drug Detection International have the most advanced equipment and capabilities to detect substance abuse in all of the following types of specimens
  • Urine
  • Oral fluid
  • Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)
  • Hair follicle drug testing.
Best Regards

Director Drug Detection International
Office: (+27)11-024-7368
Fax: (+27)86-558-9536
Cell: (+27)72-920-8790
Twitter: DrugDetection
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