Friday, December 2, 2011

NUTRITION QUOTE - The China Study - A discussion and Explanation

Isolating nutrients and trying to get benefits equal to those of whole foods reveals an ignorance of how nutrition works in the body. As time passes, I am confident that we will continue to discover that relying on the use of isolated nutrient supplements to maintain health, while consuming the usual Western diet, is not only a waste of money but also potentially dangerous

Prof T Colin Campbell
The China Study - 2005
Scientific support for good nutrition
The China study


There is now plenty of evidence on this issue of bio-availability and absorption that even goes back to the 1930's.  There is a standard joke that says that Americans have the most expensive urine in the World which just highlights how little is absorbed to the body.

A good example to highlight the issue are the RDA's that have been created.  Iron for example has an RDA of 14mg a day yet the body only requires 1mg to be absorbed for a healthy adult. The reason is of course is because it is a known factor that inorganic iron has about a 2% bio-availability to the body. Calcium is another good example which I will revert to.

The problem is - Nutrients that are refined to Pharmaceutical purity (isolates) – have little or no ability to be absorbed biologically (bio efficacy) into the cell structure.  What does get absorbed or filtered out can become toxic.

Going back to the 1930's - Szent-Györgyi was awarded the Nobel prize for the discovery of Vitamin C in the 1930s. He was working in Hungary with paprika, which, like citrus, contained something that was known to cure scurvy. He demonstrated that the active material in the paprika was ascorbic acid. The pharmaceutic Industry then clapped their hands and synthesized Ascorbic acid which they have been selling for 80 years as vitamin C. When Szent-Györgyi took this further distilling and extracting crystalline ascorbic acid to try on his on patients with scurvy, he expected a strong reaction. But it did nothing. The concentrated whole foods he had used in his research were far more effective. This research was ignored as irrelevant.Linus Pauling also showed that massive doses of vitamin C were required to be effective - once again - little or no abortion.

A recent Nobel Prize winner has confirmed:

For vitamins and Minerals to be effectively absorbed into cells: They must have a bio-carrier (linked to a peptide/protein)

Günter Blobel, M.D., Ph.D., was the recipient of the 1999 Nobel Prize. His prize-winning work was on protein signalling (cell molecular 'zip codes)

Today his work is used in medicine for delivery of drugs to target locations in the body using a natural protein transport system.

The best description I recently heard was it is rather like trying to post a letter in a post box without an address.

The nutrients need to have a bio-carrier. 

The term is called "food state" which argues the nutrients in food in a food state form can get into body cells. The soil story is exactly the same - without the bio-flora in the soil, the inorganic nutrients cannot be changed into a form that can be absorbed by the roots.  This explains WHY  nutrient density of food in the USA for example has in some instances reduced by as much as 76%. The  deep ploughing and modern agricultural techniques have killed much of the bacterial content of soil making it more difficult to absorb nutrients to the food chain.

There is lots of known examples that confirm the hypothesis. 

The iron in mothers milk for example - is 70 times more bio-available than inorganic ferrous sulfate. An elephant has the largest skeletal structure walking on earth.  A 12 ton elephant does not pop calcium tablets.  It gets all its calcium from the leaves and grass it eats daily - calculated at 50mg a day.  A healthy American 80 kg adult - the RDA is 1,100mg of calcium a day.  In 2000 South Africa legislated to fortify its maize and bread - eaten every day by all poor and most rich South Africans. They have added inorganic iron zinc and vitamin A plus the B's to the majority of South African's food diet every day since 2000.  A recent survey done by Stellenbosch University showed all the kids they tested have from a very low base all gone backwards.  The inorganic iron and zinc just cannot be absorbed biologically.

In a way - this is the issue that defines e'Pap.  All our minerals are in a chelated form  (coated and bonded in amino acids) so the body sees them in a "food state".  We preserve all the natural nutrients in the maize and soya including the cereal fat and fibre (ie no refining as is standard practice)

If it is nutrient repleteness that is the objective of your intervention, the form of the micro nutrients used must play an important role in the evaluation of what you use. To highlight the issue -  take inorganic iron, electrolytic iron and any iron in a salt or ionic form.  The bio availability to the body would be about 2% of what is added per 100 grams of food fortified.  If inorganic zinc is added at levels equal to the iron, about 60% of the iron will be blocked to absorption sites in the gut. Add inorganic calcium and a number of other mineral salts will be blocked as well.

Nutrient repleteness is a theoretical objective that if the body achieves this on a daily basis - the body will perform optimally as god designed it to perform.  What this means is that any shortages of any nutrient will start to create performance and health problems.  The body needs all these tools to do what it was designed to do. The process is complex because many of the nutrients work together so for example - a shortage of zinc will result in over 200 processes in the body that work in combination with zinc will start to go wrong. Also when the body does different things like getting sick or pregnant or heavy labor or physical exercise, the daily quantity required of nutrients will change and go up. To make the problem even more complex - some of the nutrients are stored in pantries in the body from which it pulls its daily needs and which act as a buffer for days when it does not get these nutrients or as a storage to place them when it gets too much.  There are some nutrients that have no storage capacity and so if the body does not receive these daily (there is no buffer) problems in nutritional process could be immediate if these nutrients are not delivered.  The other key issue that needs to be understood is that for the body to absorb nutrients, they need to be in a form that the body will recognize and can be absorbed at cellular level. If the nutrients are not in the correct form, the body will use organs like the liver to filter out these "things" which it will see as toxic items it does not want.  The famous saying - there is iron and there is iron and there is iron.  In nutrition - iron is not iron.  Iron must be in the correct form to be a useful form of iron that the body can use. If the form of the nutrient is in the wrong form - then it will be seen by the body as a toxin and will use processes it has to rid the body of these unwanted toxins. . Too much of the wrong thing will eventually end up as a poison if the body cannot get rid of it.  What this all says in a simplistic way - is that for nutrients to be absorbed to the body so that they can be utilized in the nutrition processes they must be in what we refer to as a 'food state".  Such nutrient form can found in  food  that has been correctly grown and processed or a form that has been created in an Industrial process that has attempted to mimick natures process (bio mimicry).

Using the iron example, a product that is fortified with 14mg of inorganic iron per 100 grams would mean that a person eating 100 grams will receive 14mg of iron.  Only 2% of this iron can be absorbed in a phytate environment such as maize.  The amount absorbed to the body would therefore equal 0.28mg.  If inorganic zinc is added in combination, 60% of the iron would be blocked which would equate to only 0.17mg being absorbed. The body of a healthy adult requires at least a daily requirement of 1mg absorbed.  If the body does not get its daily "fix" of iron, body stores will be depleted and dysfunctionality will set in.   If the body is doing heavy physical exercise, the iron requirement could go up to 1.5mg  plus per day and even higher if the environment is extremely harsh.  Therefore, fortifying with inorganic iron at a level of 14mg, would supply about 0.09% of the bodies needs of a miner doing heavy physical exercise.  Typically it is not possible to fortify at such high levels of inorganic iron because of taste profile problems so normally where such forms of iron are used lower levels of about 7mg are usually used.  This results in an effect that has little benefit to addressing the issue of fatigue.

e'Pap technologies uses iron in a very special form.  The iron used is in what we refer to as a food state form.  The chelated iron we use is bonded in an amino acid making the body think the nutrient is in a food state.  As a result the bio availability is at least 7 fold higher than the isolate or inorganic form of iron.  Because it this form of iron has a neutral charge, it does not compete with other inorganic nutrients such as zinc and calcium.  What this means is that a person eating 100 grams of e'Pap which containers 14mg of chelated iron (food state), over 1.5mg is available to be absorbed by the body in a bio-available form.  If the body achieves nutrient repleteness, excess iron in the chelated form is automatically liberated.

Hope this helps.

Kind Regards



Basil Kransdorff
e'Pap Office

Econocom Foods cc
29 8th Avenue (off 4th Street)
Melville.  2092
South Africa

Tel:     27 11 726 5634
Fax:    27 11 482 4769
Cell:    082 804 3818